John MacGregor




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The World Has Changed!

Financial advisors can offer incredible value and benefit. Selecting the right one can mean the difference between a peaceful, relaxing retirement and one mired in anxiety, stress, and the realization you may, in fact, need to go back to work in your 70s.

The world has changed. Twenty or 30 years ago you could fake it. The way finances were tied to life was a lot less complicated. By simply going through the motions, you could achieve the financial future you wanted. All you had to do was go to work and collect a paycheck. Jobs were safe and you had a guaranteed pension for life.

Not anymore.

  • Pension plans are no longer guaranteed.
  • Private savings barely exists.
  • Government trust funds are running dry. In the U.S., Social Security is expected to run out of funds by 2034. That’s right...dry in less than 15 years!

We have a new paradigm. We can no longer operate as we once did—or at least how we want. We can no longer count on those old-school beliefs and simply assume everything will work out.

This new paradigm will affect everyone. It’ll make no difference what their financial situation is: rich or poor, we’ll all be impacted. Old solutions to new problems simply will not work. Not anymore.

During booming economies, it’s easy to pick investments on your own or use a cookie cutter approach and put your money on autopilot. A rising tide lifts all boats and makes the least-educated investors look like geniuses.

We witnessed that during the great real estate boom when people suddenly became real estate gurus overnight simply because they caught a wave that made everyone rich.

Today, things are different. The need to be self-reliant for your financial security is more important than ever. And going it alone is not a wise approach. In an era where new information is changing at increasingly faster rates, how can you keep up? How can you know what to trust and what to avoid?

Download John's Guide Today and Discover How to Select the Ideal Financial Advisor for Your Personal Needs 

Choosing the right Financial Advisor may be one of the
most important decisions you'll ever make!

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John MacGregor

Who is John MacGregor?

A Leader and an Innovator

John has been a leader and innovator in the financial services industry for over 25 years. John’s passion is helping people understand how easy it is to live a financially secure life if they have the right mindset and process in place.

Over the years John has helped 1000s upon 1000s of individuals create successful financial futures through his distinctive methods and systems. His unique proven approach that he developed to create financial security and peace of mind, has made him a highly demanded speaker and media personality. His paradigm shifting brain based financial system not only addresses the specific knowledge and tools one needs to have a secure financial platform, it is also designed to help people become highly aware of the blocks that have stopped them from doing “the next right thing” in their financial lives.